GAEL Coaching Division
Meet the Team
The GAEL Coaching Division is under the leadership of Dr. Rickey Edmond and Mrs. Kerensa Wing. Dr. Edmond and Mrs. Wing are thrilled to be launching the GAEL executive coaching program for Georgia with a three year grant received from GADOE.

Dr. Rickey L. Edmond has been a committed transformational-servant leader for 28 plus years in Georgia serving as a dedicated “Champion for Children” and building organizational collective efficacy for higher performance.
He has served as a science and math teacher, athletic coach for basketball & football, assistant principal, principal, district wide principal leadership coach, assistant superintendent of federal programs & special education, and a superintendent of schools.
Dr. Edmond has exemplified a progressive and innovative growth mindset to advance public education by supporting student-centered programming, developing themes for a new Portrait of a Graduate, and transforming leadership competencies in order to better prepare students for a global economy.

Mrs. Kerensa Wing has served 33 years in public education as a history teacher, athletic coach for basketball, track and field and volleyball, assistant principal and principal.
In 2019, she was honored as the GASSP Georgia Principal of the Year, and this honor was followed by being named the NASSP 2020 National Principal of the Year.
Mrs. Wing is most proud of her accomplishments with creating a collaborative culture and teams in the schools she has led to provide a voice for students, teachers, and parents to provide the highest level of learning opportunities for each and every student.