GAEL Leadership & Staff

Ben Wiggins, GAEL Executive Director

Ben Wiggins brings a wealth of experience to GAEL in his role as Executive Director. He has worked in south and north Georgia in both county and city school districts. He served as the principal of Pelham City High School as well as Oconee County High School. He also served as superintendent of both the Thomasville City and Colquitt County School District.

Ben has been heavily involved in the GAEL organization over his career and is a past president of GAEL. He has been a member of both GASSP and GSSA and is a past president of GASSP. He has served on the board of directors and executive board of GAEL.

Ben has served as the president of Coastal Plains RESA and on a number of community and civic boards such as the United Way, Boys/Girls Club, Kiwanis, Public Library and the YMCA. Ben and his wife Jana are residents of Oconee County and have two adult children, Blake and Leah Grace.

Contact Ben:

GAEL Staff
Cindy FlesherProfessional Learning Coordinator706-250-4803
Dusty SmithChief Operating Officer706-250-4802
Ginny SmithFinancial Coordinator706-250-4801
Ivy Young Member Engagement Coordinator706-250-4806
Becky DoveAdministrative Assistant706-250-4800
Hal BeaverDirector, School Improvement (PT)706-250-4805
John TippinsCollections Support (PT)706-250-4817
Don SplinterAdministrative Support (PT)
Dr. Jimmy StokesGAEL Discipline Institute770-601-3798
Wanda LawConference Services Coordinator
Kerensa Wing Co-Director and Team Leader of the GAEL Coaching Services
Dr. Rickey Edmond Co-Director and Team Leader of the GAEL Coaching Services
Raelyn DePratterIntern706-250-4800
Board of Directors
Aaron GeterPresident
Valerie SuesmithPast President
Kevin GainesPresident Elect
Rhonda GulleyTreasurer
Josh LoweGASSP President
LeAnn McCallGASSP Member
Jeannette HallamGAMSP President
Jennifer JohnsonGAMSP Member
Brittney MobleyGAESP President
Tracey SmithGAESP Member
Lottie MitchellGACIS President
Amy FouseGACIS Member
Brad BowlingG-CASE President
MaryKay BerryG-CASE Member
Phillip TrembleGASPA President
Melissa ShepardGASPA Member
Mandy HarperSSTAGE President
Beth HebertGELFA President
Tiffany TaylorGaDOE Representative
Shanna DownsRESA Representative
Noris PriceGSSA President
Mark ScottGSSA Member
GAEL Affiliate and Associate Executive Directors
Alan LongGASSP
Cheryl RiddleGAMSP678-283-8961
Hal BeaverGAESP706-250-4805
Dr. Jolie HardinGAESP(478) 952-2488
Dr. Claire BuckGACIS770-530-7205
Sarah BurbachG-CASE706-474-4272
Dr. John ZaunerGSSA404-413-8147
Stephanie DobbinsGASPA678-544-0221
Joan WhiteheadSSTAGE