It is worth reporting when state government goes out of its way to insure that everyone’s opinion is heard on an issue. The State Board of Education at its last meeting voted to delay the vote on the adoption of the new Social Studies Standards until the advisory committee that recommended the standards had an opportunity to review changes that had been made to the standards since the last meeting of the advisory committee. Senator Willliam Ligon sent a long letter to the State School Superintendent with recommended additions and changes. Items were added to the standards at various grade levels not approved by the advisory committee and the U.S. History, and Government/Civics standards approved by the advisory committee were not posted for approval. The crux of the issue is a recommendation that calls for Civics, Government, and U.S. History to be consolidated into a two year course required of all students. The consolidation will required additional time for the advisory committee to review and discuss the implications and policy changes. The advisory group will meet later this month and consider the recommendation. The State Board will probably consider the final adoption of the standards at a called meeting shortly after the advisory group finishes its work.